The Author

That's me, with one of my favorite cartoon characters; Nny, from Jhonen Vasquez's Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. I'm a college student in my twenties studying British Literature, History and Political Science; not sure what I'm going to do with that, but something tells me I'll be reading a lot of Shakespeare, learning a lot about the Nazis and watching the Presidential Debates in the fall.
I'm a big time nerd; the kind of nerd that other nerds will point and laugh at. I watch a lot of Star Trek, I play Dungeons and Dragons, I read a lot of webcomics and fantasy novels, and I still watch cartoons. I'm easily distracted by things like funny-shaped clouds and squirrels, I love watching really bad movies, and I haven't got a clue where I'm going with my life. That said, I'm having a good time now working on this story and wandering through the college experience, meeting interesting people and staying up until 4 in the morning buying ice cream at Wal-Mart and creating odd characters for the strange games I like to play.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Drop me a line:
[email protected]